The Chrystal series is to support sensitive people who perceive very intensely and are sometimes overwhelmed by the energy of other people and / or places. The essences such as Bubble, Software and Smoothie will contribute to a buffer zone between your own energy and the energy of others around you for emotional support. The Chrystal series are also about helping to create a new life for yourself, your own heaven on earth. Essences such as Easy, Dragons’ Blood and I’m in Heaven are especially useful when you start new projects.


In the lift

An essence that provides emotional support to help you get back to earth, very good for people who feel they have never really “arrived” here. Can also be helpful for very sensitive creatures who have decided to come here, but often get scared at the last minute. This children’s essence forms a shaft of light, a kind of virtual lift, through which they can come down. Contains the energies of Apophyllite and Peach Stillbite carried by spring water and preserved with brandy.


For adults this children’s essence can help very sensitive creatures to be in places with a lot of nasty chemical odors, electricity and other things (such as the supermarket) without being bothered too much. For babies in mommies tummy this essence is specially made to help babies bring lots of energy into their mommies tummy to protect them if mommy needs a scan or something similar. Contains the energies of Apophyllite and Peach Stillbite (a different piece from In the Lift and Software, in case you were wondering) carried by potentised spring water and preserved with brandy.


For adults – this essence helps us to be emotionally supportive of being loving, compassionate and sensitive beings without getting upset by ever-increasing psychic abilities, such as being able to hear everyone’s thoughts as you walk down the street.

For babies – this essence helps to support highly sensitive little babies with the level of compassion and sensitivity they were born with, without being bothered too much by the energies of pain and misery around them.
Contains the energies of Apophyllite and Peach Stillbite carried by potentised spring water and preserved with brandy.


For adults – this children’s essence lets you experience a feeling of a bit like a large comforter around your shoulders. Smoothie is an emotional support for people who feel raw and vulnerable to the energy of other people, almost feel like they are missing a layer of skin.

For babies – it helps to provide emotional support for very sensitive little babies to learn to be in the world without feeling that they are being infringed. Experience shows that people are very attracted to the energy of these babies and want to touch them. This essence helps to help the babies learn to feel safe and at ease in the presence of strangers.

Made with energies from elestial selenite and mother-of-pearl shell, carried by potentised spring water and preserved with brandy.

Dragons Blood

This children’s essence has a scary name that comes from the stone with which this essence is made, namely Cinnabar (also called Dragon’s Blood). Many of us experience feeling really exhausted from all those years of therapy and processing. We feel that we have no energy left to create new creative ideas in this world. This essence helps to bring the fire back into your belly and help you to move forward. It is mainly focused on the first chakra, helping us to ground.

I’m in Heaven

This essence helps us to learn how every decision we make can influence our reality. We can create heaven on earth here and now, if we choose. We have the options. We have always known this, but most of us do not make the switch. We still opt for the old reality, we opt for trouble. Working with I’m in Heaven will shed a searchlight on every choice, whether as thought, feeling, action or by gently but constantly encouraging change.


This essence came after I asked children what heaven would look like. The answer I received was “easy”. Because we are in a transition period from old to new situations, it is sometimes difficult to choose which way you want to go. This children’s essence helps us with “choose easy when the choice is easy”. No more being pushed and no more difficulties. Choose easy, easy is like heaven would be.


To provide emotional support if you feel pulled away from your center easily.

The opal piece that made this essence is light green, blue and pink. When I look into the stone, I feel a part of the universe, the unity from which we all came, the sense of simply existence. This essence helps to remind us of what it felt like to be part of the universe, before the separation, before we adopted the patterns of human existence. It’s time to let go. Use is-ness as a support when you need help moving the old patterns, when you want to remember who you really are.


To provide emotional support in situations of commotion and yet know that everything is fine.

Live & Let Live

If you experience being stuck in an old conflict. To provide emotional support to continue.

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